Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Lunch Conversation on Wednesday 6-22-16 regarding New Initiatives

Follow-up possibilities

  1. Create a forum so that sisters can publicize the opportunities in the areas where they now live.
Josephine gives us this example of area sharing:
Gallup, NM         
Living Opportunities
1)    With S. Josephine Goebel: Private rooms for 2 others:—Downstairs bedroom with full bath shared and Upstairs bedroom with Half bath.  S. Josephine’s room has complete shower.
2)   Retreat Center
Ministry Opportunities
          Gallup Diocese spans Navajo Reservation in NM and AZ.  It is the poorest Diocese in US in the 2nd poorest county in the US.
Possibilities for paid employment would depend on qualifications of individual.
Volunteer opportunities in Prison ministry, 2 hospitals in city, homeless shelters, Catholic elementary schools, parishes (RCIA, etc), Sacred Heart Retreat Center.  These could be paid opportunities.
          Intercultural opportunities, Hispanic, Native Americans (7 tirbes)
Community living, Faith Sharing, etc, would
 depend on the group.
Good Spiritual Directors in the area.
          Spiritual Directors Peer Group  meets monthly, a life-giving faith sharing experience.
New Mexico’s motto is LAND OF ENCHANTMENT.  Come. Let yourself be enchanted. Amazing sunrises, sunsets, starry nights, mountains, rocks, 360 sunny days each year, 6500 ft. altitude keeps summers temps       below 100 

  1. Areas around Fond du Lac have many opportunities of either an intentional ministerial communities or band of visiting sisters who minister locally.
                               Sonia gives us this example:
                             Waupun is 20 miles out of town and they have a sponsored hospital and a state prison that needs whatever help can be provided.
  1. Creativity has no boundaries so other sisters and associates and encouraged to form a small group and envision a new initiative. The description should identify the group participants, the planned location and the proposed timeline. This information should be given to the RC's who will follow up with them.
  2. The concept of an intentional community for the sake of ministry needs further development by interested individuals and small groups.
    5. ZOOM groups provide an opportunity for small groups to develop these ideas or other proposals in preparation for the upcoming chapter.
  1. This document will be posted on a blog at to foster connections and conversation among sisters and associates. Those who wish to post more conversation starters will need to request authorship rights by emailing Sister Dolores at .

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